Who are LeMonde.Pro? We are a group of creators who think we should do something with our skill and thought. We are not only sharing our works with the world, we are going to support your business. We would like to share the good of the cultures and talent between both Hong Kong and Japan. This is our mission.

What can LeMonde.Pro do?
LeMonde.Pro provides a wide spectrum of creative productions which surely give help to your business. Our main design service focuses on animation and motion graphic. We believe that the generation is for social media,and media production is the way to connect the world.

Logo animation:
You can make any member of your blog a writer so they can write posts for your blog. Adding multiple writers is a great way to grow your content and keep it fresh and diversified.
Here’s how to do it:
Head to your Member’s Page
Search for the member you want to make a writer
Click on the member’s profile
Click the 3 dot icon ( ⠇) on the Follow button
Select Set as Writer